This curriculum prepares participants for Entry-Level MERN Stack Developer roles. Junior Full Stack Mern Developers develop, test, and deploy front-end and back-end solutions, and may work intech based startups, mid-large size software development companies, consultancy firms, among others. Performance goals: 1. Apply structured problem solving techniques to resolve project related issues. 2. Use coding best practices to execute assigned tasks 3. Consistently and proactively write and run unit tests to check if code is correct. 4. Proactively learn new technical and non-technical skills in order to improve performance and increase the likelihood of securing employment. 5. Effectively communicate and collaborate with coworkers and other stakeholders using a variety of platforms. Courses: (1) Introduction to the Role, (2) Programming Fundamentals, (3) Front-end Web Development Fundamentals (JavaScript for Web Development + JavaScript Testing) (5)REACT (6) Node, Express & MongoDB (6) Introduction to Relational Databases